
Remuneration Structure

The Remuneration structure Report allows users of MHR's online job evaluation system, JE Leader, to develop and maintain banded remuneration structures which combine evaluation results with MHR RemData market data.
Remuneration Structure

Select survey

1. Select survey
Use the drop-list to select the survey from which market data is sourced.
The drop-list can also be used to select a more recent survey to update the remuneration structure wihc has previously been saved.

Run report

2. Run report
Use the Run report button to run the report and calcuate the remuneraiton vlaues of easch Band, based on the seelcted parameters and Market segments.

Define structure

3. Define structure
Use these options to define the parameters of a draft structure. Click on the "Create" button to generate the draft structure, then refine the bands by modifying the draft structure in the Draft framework grid.

Start point value

Enter the minimum point value for the lowest band.
This value can be modified in the Draft framework grid once the draft structure is generated.

Number of bands

Define the number of bands to be used in the draft structure.

Band interval

Enter the points range used for each Band in the draft structure. This value will be applied to every Band in the draft structure, but can be varied if necessary by editing the Bands in the Draft framework grid.

Draft framework grid

7. Draft framework grid
The Draft framework grid is generated based on the parameters entered in the Define structure panel.
Every field in the Draft framework grid can be edited to refine the draft structure. This allows the user to modify the Band interval, Minimum and Maximum of each Band (and by extension, the Midpoint of each Band), and the percentage used to define the Mimumum and Maximum remuneration value in each Band.
The default range value used to define the Minimum and Mximum remuneration value is 10 percent. This applies to all Bands (unless modified for individual Bands), and can be modfied universally in the Advanced tab.

Select existing design

If you have previously created and saved a design use the drop-list to select that design fr further refinement or update.
Exisitng designs can be updated by:
  • Selecting a different survey from which to source data
  • Modifying the Draft framework to refine individual bands
  • Changing the Market comparison categories used in the final structure (see below).

Job Title

Use this field to enter a Job title for the Remuneration model.
This name may include a summary of the Market Segments used (as shown in the example), or an indication of the group of staff to which the structure applies. 

Company field

Use this field to identify the Company (or subsidiary company) or Business Unit to which the remuneration structure applies.
The default value is the name of the Company/Client the user has signed in under. This is also displayed at the top of the tab.

Select market comparison categories

11. Select market comparison categories
Select the market comparison category (or categories) to be used in creating the remuneraiton structure.
Typically a remuneration structure of this type will be based on a single market segment (All organisations; Asset value; Industry). In some circumstances however there may be benefits to using two or more market sgments, to provide  protection against volatility in a single segment. The example shown uses two market segments.
Note that if "All organisations" data is selected, the options to select from any of the other Market comparison classes are blocked. This reflects the fact that each market segment comprises a subset of the data which is included in the "All organisations" sample; using both "All organisations" data in combination with one or more market segments will distort results, as data is effectively being double counted.

Weighting factor

12. Weighting factor
Where the structure uses morte that one Market segment, use the Weighting factor to emphasise one Market segment.
For example, where both Industry and ocation are used, a weighting of 2 for Industry will increase the influence of the Industry selection in the final result; conversely weighting Location wil emphasise the Location data.