
Market Value Report


Report Overview:

This report converts a single Market Index Value (Job Evaluation points) to an indicative remuneration value, at Lower Quartile, Median and Upper Quartile, based on selected market segment data.
The report provides a quick way of determining the market value of a role which has been evaluated using MHR Global's JE Leader job evaluation system. This process is typically used for roles which cannot be directly benchmarked against an existing survey role, or where there is doubt about which survey role provides the most accurate benchmark to use for setting remuneration.
The report is very similar to the Indicative Pay Ranges Report, but uses the Market Index Value as the link to the MHR market data rather than a matched survey position.
As a service to users the report does offer the option to enter a Hay points value generated by the Hay Job evlaution process, or converted to a Hay value from another compatible system.
Where this option is used, the entered value is converted to an indicative MHR Market Index Value, which is then used for generating the report. The Remuneration range extrapolated in such cases is offered as an indicative range only.
MHR accepts no liability for the accuracy of any evaluation carried out in any system other than the MHR JE Leader system.
Market Value Report

Advanced tab

Use this tab to select Advanced options:
  • Select the Remuneration measure to be used for the report
  • Select the Market position at which remuneration is to be calculated
  • Apply an Aging factor to the survey data
  • Modify the percentage range used to calculate the indicative remuneration range
  • the default value used is 10 percent
  • This should be sufficient for benchmarking purposes


The selected survey from which data is sourced

Job Title

3. Job Title
Enter the job title used to identify the role within the organisation

Organisation Name

4. Organisation Name
Enter the organisation name here

Points Value

Enter the points value (or "Market Index Value") generated for the role following evaluation using the JE Leader system.

View Report

Click to view and print report

Hay value

7. Hay value
Enter a Hay points value (or a Hay value converted from a compatible system).
The entered vlaue is converted to an indicative MHR Market Index Value, which is then used to generate the report.

Market segments

8. Market segments
Use the droplists to select the Market segments to be used in the report.

Weighting factor

9. Weighting factor
Enter a weighting factor (2 - 3) to increase the influence of that Market segment on the final result

Remuneration measure

10. Remuneration measure
Use the droplist to select the Remuneration measure to be used in the report.
MHR recommends the use of Total Remuneration in the majority of cases, as this is th emost stable of the different measures available.

Market position

11. Market position
Use the droplist to select the preferred market position.
The defualt selection is Median, representing the middle of the range for that market segment.

Aging factor

12. Aging factor
Enter an aging factor as a percentage to adjust the market data to take into account market movement since the date of the survey.

Band range

13. Band range
Enter a percentage to determin the rnage eiter side of the derived midpoint for the range.
The default value of 10 will result in a range from 90 percent to 110 percent of the midpoint value