
Market Rates Report


Report Overview:

Use this report to compare your pay against the market comparators for which you contribute data (Asset, Turnover, Industry, Location and Employee numbers). The report also includes national data.
The report provides a very quick way of establishing where your organisation is paying against the market segments within which the organisation operates. 
Note that the report is restricted to those roles for which your organisation has contributed data.
Market Rates Report
Use the filter drop-lists to select the role for which a report is required:

Advanced criteria tab

To select other criteria (e.g. to display results in a different currency) use the "Advanced" tab.
See Items 6 to 9 for an explanation of the items on the Advanced Tab.

Select a survey

Select a specific survey from which data is required

Submitted position

Select a specific role for viewing the report.
The list of roles available in the drop-list is restricted to those for which data was submitted.
Where your organisation contributed multiple records for a single role, the drop-list will show all records.

Run report button

Click to view the report generated.

Run all positions option

5. Run all positions option
Select this checkbox to print all reports. The report will be produced on-screen (in HTML format) initially, allowing the user to examine the reports, and drill down to detail using the interactive charts. The reports can then be printed if required using your browser print options. Note that the on-screen view does not show the MHR header and logo; these are included in the printed reports.
If you have a PDF Printer installed on your pc/laptop you can also use this to produce a PDF-format file containing all the reports on all records contributed. If you do not already have access to a local PDF  pronter, talk tpo your IT support group to see if one can be installed. Many are available at no cost.
Note that where the total number of records submitted is in excess of 400 there may be a delay while your request is processed.
You will be advised when the file is available for download.

Select Remuneration Measure

6. Select Remuneration Measure
Select the Remuneration Measure(s) to be incuded in the Report

Select Market Position

7. Select Market Position
Select the market positions (Quartiles, Median etc.) you wish to have included in the report.

Show sample sizes?

8. Show sample sizes?
Seect this checkbox to incude samplle sizes on the report

Show Primary Objective

9. Show Primary Objective
Click to incude the Primary Objective for the role