
Example: Market Rates Report

Example: Market Rates Report

Client Code

Unique Client Code, used for all processing and analysis.


MHR RemData survey position code and designation.
Click on the name in the web view of the Report to view the position description used for this role.


The specific survey from which data is extracted

Current Base Salary

The Base Salary currently paid to the job holder by the organisation

Total Remuneration

The value of the Total Remuneration package paid to this employee by the organisation.
This includes the value of Base Salary plus all benefits.

Market Segments

Analysis of market segment data, including:
  • National data ("All organisations")
  • Relevant market segments for this record, reflecting the organisation profile
  • Note that these will change depending on the survey the record relates to
  • The sample in each market segment is displayed in brackets if this option has been seected in the Advanced Tab

Client Reference

A unique reference provided by the Client, allowing the individual record to be recognised and identified.

Base Salary Movement

The movement in Base Salary awarded to the job holder by the employer in the twelve months ending on the survey date.

National Movement

The average increase received by people in this role nationally in the past twelve months

Quartile data

Quartile data for the Market Segments listed

Remuneration charts

Charts showing the comparison between the organisation payments and each of the market segments listed:
  • The dark blue segment of each bar shows the range between the Lower Quartile and the Median
  • The lighter blue segment shows the range between the Median and the Upper Quartile
  • By definition exactly half the records in the sample fall in the range covered by the coloured bar
  • The red line shows where the organisation is currently paying this employee.
Note: Hover over a chart element in the web view of the report to view the underlying data.