
Printing of Reports



The reports included in the MHR RemData site can be printed using your browser print options.

Print using your browser "Print" options:

The MHR RemData site does not include embedded print capabilities. Instead all reports can be printed using standard browser "Print" options:
To print a report:

Save as PDF File

The MHR RemData site uses a "PDF Printer" to create and save reports as PDF files. If you wish to retain a report for future reference, or to email it to a colleague, refer to the section on Save Report as PDF file

Printing Background Colours:

Many reports use background colours in the web-page to provide colour-coding of data results, and for the production of the charts included in many reports.
To gain the maximum value from printed reports it is therefore essential that you turn on the "Print background colours" option before printing. Unfortunately, this option appears in different places in different browsers.
The guidelines below are provided to assist users. While every effort has been made to ensure that these accurately reflect the process for the main browsers, MHR accepts no responsibility for accuracy, given that vendors may change the print options from time to time.

Internet Explorer 11:

Use the File - Page Setup command to launch the Page Setup dialogue.
Ensure that the "Print Background Colours and Images" option is selected (as illustrated).

Mozilla FireFox:

Use the Options - Print - Page setup commands to launch the Page Setup dialogue.
Ensure that the "Print Background (colours & images)" option is selected. 

Google Chrome:

Use the Tools - Print command to launch the Print dialogue.
Scroll down the options to near the bottom.
Ensure that the " Background colours & images" option is selected.