
Functional group summary

This report provides single page summary for each role in the Functional Group, providing quartile analysis for Base Salary and Total Remuneration across each market Segment, other than Industry. Industry data is available in the "Select a market comparison report" if needed.
The Functional group summary also includes a summary of the pattern of increases for the group over the past ten years, and the distribution of increases awarded to employees in the functional group roles over the past twelve months.
Once the critria has been selected use the "Run report" button to generate the report. Note that there may be a short delay in the report displaying, particularly for Functional groups with large numbers of roles (e.g. Marketing, sales and retail).
Once generated the report can be printed, either directly to a local printer, or using a PDF printer to create a file copy. See Printing of Reports
Functional group summary

Selelct a survey

1. Selelct a survey
Select the survey from which data is extracted

Functional job family

2. Functional job family
Select the Functional job family to be included in the report

Advanced tab

3. Advanced tab
Use the Advanced tab to select additional criteria

Remuneration measures

4. Remuneration measures
Use the check boxes to select the remuneration measures to be included in the report

Market positions

5. Market positions
Use the check boxes to select the market positoins to be included in the report

Show sample sizes?

6. Show sample sizes?
Check this box to include the sample size for each market segment analysed.
The national sample size is included automatically.