  • Data Submission

Data Submission



The MHR RemData system provides for both online data submission and update, using an on-screen data entry form, and for off-line data update, using an Excel spreadsheet formatted specifically for the purpose.
Both options provide access to data submitted for the previous survey, allowing existing data to be updated relatively easily, using either of the options available.
Data Submission
Entering and editing data online is generally only recommended where there is a small number of records (10 - 20 at most) to be updated. In all other cases it is generally easier to download the previous data and update it using an Excel spreadsheet (see below).

View position data

1. View position data
Click to display and/or edit all data previously submitted: this is the recommended option for updating data online. Clicking this link will provide a list containing:
  • Data copied automatically from the previous survey, now awaiting update
  • New records which have been created
All data listed is available for editing and updating.
Previous surveys:
You can also use this option to view individual records from a previous survey.
These records are locked and cannot be edited, but this can be useful if you need to check the history of changes made to a specific record.

Download position data

2. Download position data
Use this link to download your data in an Excel spreadsheet.
The spreadsheet will download directly to your PC. It will typically be found in your "Downloads" folder.
You should move the downloaded file to a different directory, where it can be easily relocated, before updating the data
Once the spreadsheet has been downloaded the records are locked and cannot be edited online. The records wil remain locked until the data has been resubmitted (using the "Upload positin data" option) and have passed all validation checks.
The spreadsheet downloaded using this option contains hidden codes which uniquely identify the Organisation and the survey for which data is being updated.
This is to ensure that data is accredited to the correct Client, and to allow MHR to monitor the completion of the data submission process.
Data cannot be submitted on any spreadsheet other than the one downloaded from our site, as the hidden codes required for accurate processing will not be present.

Upload position data

3. Upload position data
When all data has been updated, and any new records added, click on this link to uplaod the spreadsheet to our system.
Data which has been updated using the offline spreadsheet, and resubmitted for analysis, is passed through a statistical validation process before it is finally uploaded. This may cause a delay before your data update is confirmed.
This is normal, and your account will be updated once the validation process has been completed.

Offline checkout history

This records how often your data has been downloaded or uploaded during the selected survey.
You can use this table to monitor progress on completing the data update - this is particularly useful when someone else may be doing the update for you.