
Select a Market Comparison Report


Report Overview:

This report provides a standard quartile analysis of the national market and up to five different market segments (one from each of the five market comparison groups).
The report provides similar data to that in the Market Rates Report, however does not include the organisation's own comparative remuneration data. The report can therefore be used to extract data similar to that provided in the Market Rates Report, perhaps for a role in which data was not submitted in the last survey.
Select a Market Comparison Report

Advanced tab

Use this button to select Advanced options:
  • Include Primary Objective for the role as a header on the report
  • Expand the Quartile analysis reported to include additional figures
  • Change the Report currency

Select Survey

Select the Survey of interest

Functional Job Family

Select the Functional Job Family for the role of interest


Select the survey role of interest

Market Comparison Categories

Use the drop-lists to select the market comparison categories ("market segments") which are of interest.
  • For Top Executive roles you would include Asset, Industry, Turnover and Employees
  • For General Staff roles you would include Industry, Location, Turnover and Employees
  • this reflects the fact the few General Staff roles have a significant direct impact on the Asset value of the organisation
The report will include each of these market segments, along with the national ("All organisations") data.

View Report

Click to view and print report

Remuneration measures

7. Remuneration measures
Use the checkboxes to select the Remuneration Measures you wish to have displayed on the Report.
  • Use the checkbox by the "Remuneration measures" header to select all.

Market positions

8. Market positions
Use the checkboxes to select the Market positions you wish to have displayed on the Report.
  • Use the checkbox by the "Market positions" header to select all.

Display options

9. Display options
Use the checkboxes to select other information to display on the report:
  • Sample sizes
  • Primary objective