
File Upload Status

When the "Upload EXCEL to database" option is selected, the system will generate one of three status messages advising the User of the successful upload, or the need for additional editing of records.
The three possible messages are shown below:
File Upload Status

File imported successfully

The file has been imported successfully, and data will be included in the analysis.
The secondary messages show:
  • the total number of records uploaded
  • the number of new records (based on a comparison to the previous survey data)
  • the mumber of records deleted (based on comparison to the previous survey)
  • the number of record modified from the previous input.

Import failed

The import of the file has failed, because of identifed errors.
The errors will be listed below the red panel. These errors will need to be resolved before the file can be uploaded again.
If your file contains a large number of records the checking and error messages will only continue through the first 100 records. This is intended to save time, allowing repetitive errors to be addressed throughout the whole file, before      resubmittnig the file for rechecking and upload.

Import completed with errors

The import has been partially completed, but there are errors or warnings on some records. These are listed below the panel.
These errors or warnings will need to be addressed and the file reoaded once they are corrected.