
Download a copy of your data

The "Download position data . . . " screen can also be used to download a copy of your data in a spreadsheet to retain for your records. This option can be used for data which has been updated online or submitted using the offline process.
To ensure that submitted data is not compromised however, the process does include safeguards.
Download a copy of your data

Data submitted warning

If your data is already marked as "Submitted" any attempt to download the data to a spreadsheet wil trigger this warning, and the options below it.

Resubmit option

2. Resubmit option
Use this option if you wish to edit some of your records again, or add more data. You will need to resubmit the updated spreadsheet again to update your data.
All your submitted records wil be marked as "Preliminary" again, pending the upload of your data when you have finished.

Get a copy of your data

3. Get a copy of your data
Use this option to get a copy of your submitted data in a spreadsheet.
Your submitted records will remain unchnaged (marked as "Submitted").
This process is similare to the "Download position data" option under the "Client specific reports" menu item.
Using either of these options you will not be able to update records in the spreadsheet, or add new records and upload it again.