
Example: Functional group summary

Example: Functional group summary


1. Position
Survey posiiton.
Each position in the Functional Group is reported on a separate page

Position description

2. Position description

The position description against which data is being reported.
The full list of positions in each Functioanl group can be viewed in the Position search menu item

Position reference

3. Position reference
The Position reference used to identify the role

Average movement in Base Salary

4. Average movement in Base Salary
The average movement in Base Salary nationally over the past tweleve months.

Movement in Median Total Remuneration

5. Movement in Median Total Remuneration
The movement in Median Total Remuneration nationally, since the survey tweleve months prior to the selected survey.

Benefits analysis

6. Benefits analysis
Analysis of the Berenfits typically piad in the role.

Market segment data

7. Market segment data
Quartile Analysis of each market segment covered by the survey. The sample for the segment is shown, provided the check-box has been selected in the Advanced tab. The natioanl "All organisations" sample is shown on the first line in all cases.
Note: Industry data is not included as the number of industries covered by the survey does not allow room for display. Industry data can be obtained using the "Select a market comparison report".