
Main Menu

Hover over a menu item to expand and display sub-items.
Cick on an Item or Sub-item to load that Item
Main Menu

Home +

Click to return to the Home screen
Hover to select other options:
  • User Guide (i.e. this guide)
  • Legal Information
  • Conditions of Use

Reports +

Use this to access the survey reports options:
Hover over an item with a '+' extension to select the specific report of interest.

Data Submission +

Hover the curser and select the required option from the drop-list:
  • View position data
  • Download position data
  • Upload position data
  • Offline checkout history

Position search

Use this item to search for and print individual Job descriptions used in the survey.
You can also print job descriptions individually or in groups, or print to a pdf format document

Admin +

Some items in the Admin + menu item are available only to those users who can login with Administration rights.
This item allows the Administrator to:
  • Manage (Add, Delete and Edit) System Users
  • Manage Report access for individual users
  • Manage Organisation Profile
  • Manage Organisation Contact details
Users without Administration rights may:
  • Edit their own User details
  • View the Organisation Profile

Log out

Click here to log out of the system

Change Password