
Offine checkout history

This option alows a user wiht Adminsitration rights to monitor the status of downaoded spreadsaheets:
Offine checkout history

Seect a survey

1. Seect a survey
Use the dropist to select the survey for whuich data monitoring is required

Batch number

2. Batch number
A unique identifier for the specific spreadsheet which has been checked out.


3. Name
This identife whether the spreadsheet contains a records previously submitted, or whether itr has been restricted in some way (e.g. to a specific Functional group).

Positions out

4. Positions out
The number of records included in the downoaded spreadsheet

Positions in

5. Positions in
The number of records in the spreadsheet when it was uploaded following editing.

Checked out by

6. Checked out by
The name of the User who downloaded the spreadsheet, and the date and time it was downloaded

Checked in by

7. Checked in by
The name of the User who uploaded the edited spreadsheet, and the date and time it was uploaded.
This field will remain blank where a downoaded spreadsheet is cancelled.

Cancelled by

8. Cancelled by
Ther name of the User who has cancelled a downloaded spreadsheet, and the date and timre the download was cacelled. Downloads are typically cancelled only where:
  • A decsion has been taken to update online after downloading the spreadsheet
  • An error has been made, and the downloaded spreadsheet is restricted in some way (to a specific Functional Group for example)
A downloaded spreadsheet may be cancelled by a User with Administration rights, or by MHR Global.