The same form is used for adding a new record, however in this case the majority of the fields will be blank.
Note that as the range of Benefits provided will vary in different surveys, this guide does not attempt to provide information on individual Benefits. MHR will provide guidelines on the Benefits included in each survey when we contact organisations requesting that data be updated.
Matched Position
The survey position against which data is currently being submitted:
Use the droplist to change the position against which the job is matched.
The reference provided by the organisation when this record was submitted. This may be a position reference, or an employee number for example.
It is not mandatory to supply a Client reference, however it does make it easier to identify individual records when reviewing survey results or updating data in the future.
This field should only be used to show multiple job holders where all fields in the record are identical. This is actually very rare, as even where Base Salary is the same, other data fields are likely to vary.
Where an organisation employs more than one person in a single role, all records should be submitted individually to ensure accurate analysis of all data.
The market comparison categories against which this record is compared.
For an existing record these fields will display the values provided at the last data submission.
For a new record the values displayed will be those saved in the Organisation Profile.
The selections can be varied for individual records, to reflect the profile of the business unit the employee is attached to. Typically changes will be confined to Location and Industry, however other fields may vary where an organisation is providing data for subsidiary organisations.
For job holders who have been in current position for 12 months or more at the date of this survey, enter the Base Salary being received at the date twelve months prior to the current survey.
This is used to calculate the movement in Base Salary.
Many of the fields include validation criteria, which allows data to be checked as it is entered. Follow any prompts to ensure data is entered accurately.
As the range of Benefits provided will vary in different surveys, this guide does not attempt to provide information on individual Benefits. MHR will provide guidelines on the Benefits included in each survey when we contact organisations requesting that data be updated.
Note that all fields are validated before the record is submitted. Should this validation process identify any potential errors, the record will not be saved and a warning will appear at the top of the form:
Messages in red textidentify fields where the data is incorrect, and does not meet validation criteria
These errors will have to be corrected before the record can be submitted.
Messages in orange textare warnings only, and provide an opportunity to check your input for input errors
These fields should be corrected if necessary, however the record can be saved without change if the data is correct.
If you wish to save a record which has been queried, but which is correct, select the Checkbox to the left of the record, then click the Save button